Our Certifications


The MINEX (Minutiae Interoperability Exchange) certificate was established by NIST to support US governmental PIV (Personal Identity Verification) projects, which were started by the Patriot Act after 9-11. This certificate requires interchangeability of fingerprint templates among various vendors so that a standardized template format could be established. The certification requires a vendor to demonstrate that their algorithm can achieve high performance on both its own proprietary template and proprietary templates from other vendors.

MINEX was initially launched in 2004; it later became known as OnGoing MINEX. In 2015, NIST further refined the benchmark by increasing MINEX’s technical requirements and expanding the dataset used. The new certificate became known as MINEX III, replacing the now discontinued OnGoing MINEX.

Due to MINEX III’s increased technical requirements, only a few companies have been able to pass the benchmark to obtain certification. AA Technology Ltd.’s algorithms have already obtained this certification.

  1. November 2015: our PC-based algorithm passed the benchmark.

  2. March 2016: our embedded algorithm passed the benchmark. This algorithm is more than 10 times faster than any other certified algorithm. It is the first and only MINEX III certified algorithm capable of running in an embedded environment.

For additional details about MINEX III:



In 2011, the Chinese National Parliament decided that all 2nd generation ID cards in China must include the card-holder’s fingerprint information. To comply with this decision, China’s Ministry of Public Security conducted 2 nation-wide evaluations, one in 2012 and another in 2013. This evaluation of fingerprint core algorithms was meant to certify vendors’ commercial fingerprint technology.

AA Technology Ltd. participated and passed both evaluations and obtained both certifications. Results of these 2 evaluations have never been publicly published. No public report has ever been available.